InnoCore Project


Core Technologies for Education and Innovation in Life Sciences

The project

InnoCore – Core Technologies for Education and Innovation in Life Sciences is a Strategic Partnership funded in the framework of the KA2 Erasmus+ programme.

Mission of the project is to shape qualified professionals on both cutting-edge enabling technologies and innovation management for Core Facilities in academia. This will be possible leveraging blended education and project-based collaborations with the industry.

To reach this goal the Consortium will:

  • jointly develop teaching modules on core technologies, featuring blended education and innovative certification of competences;
  • integrate the professional figure with innovative practices for knowledge transfer and innovation management;
  • create a platform and practices for the collaboration between academic institutions and companies to promote shared activities on education and innovation.

The Strategic Partnership will thus train highly skilled professionals capable of boosting the innovation processes within research infrastructures and will contribute to enhance the entrepreneurial mindset of the Target Groups.

InnoCore will:

  • develop innovative outputs (Intellectual Outputs);
  • engage into intensive dissemination and exploitation activities (Multiplier Events) of the Intellectual Outputs;
  • organise transnational learning, teaching, and training activities of Target Groups.

Intellectual Outputs

O1: Bringing together Academia & Industry

It aims to promote a cooperation between industrial and research partners to carry out mutual activities and to reach common goals. In order to boost this collaboration, academics and other external partners associated to the consortium will define and validate a cooperation model through pilot actions.

O2: Joint Learning Modules for Core Technologies (JLM-CTs)

It aims to integrate in Joint Learning Modules the complementary expertise in education and research on core technologies for innovation in life science of the participating HEIs.

The output will release the “vertical” learning modules of the InnoCore curriculum by combining the scientific know-how of the partners and delivering the courses through traditional education and e-learning methodologies.

O3: Joint Learning Modules for Training to Business (JLM-T2B)

It aims to develop horizontal teaching in innovation management that will integrate the training delivered by IO2.

The output will deliver two different modules in I&E and Innovation Management and in Regulations and Quality in Healthcare. A go-to-market module including regulatory affairs and quality standards in Healthcare.

O4: Framework for Multidisciplinary, Transnational and Business Oriented Curriculum on Core technologies (MTBoC)

It aims to merge the practices and pilots of the previous outputs in a reusable and transferrable framework for innovative curricula in education and training on core technologies in life sciences.


Project coordinator
università di Trento logo
Universidade de Coimbra
CNC - Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology
CEITEC | Central European Institute of Technology